Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Inside Where We Live (Arabella)

I really have nothing pressing to talk about. It's my turn to write... well, I haven't written in a long time but we don't really have turns. Mostly We write when we feel like it. I could spend some time introducing myself though.

I'm going to be honest though, introducing myself seems risky. I'm one of the protectors for this system an I worry that being as open as my sisters have started to be is a security breach. Kaysie is our main protector, however, and she feels that being this transparent and open is actually safer in the long run. I suppose she's right.

So hello. My name is Arabella.  I am about 17. Inside I am usually in white tiger form. My main role inside is protection of the little ones. The number of sisters under the age of 13 is nearly twice that (if not more) than those over 13 so that in itself is a full time job. I spend most of my time inside with the children, but I do enjoy my time in the outside world. I especially enjoy technology, our new family, and yarn. I very much enjoy yarn. I guess that might be the feline side of me.

Until recently I haven't been spending any real time outside. The outside world can be challenging for me and its harder for me to be sure the children inside are safe if I'm hanging out around here. Mom helps out with that a lot. 

I have experienced some of the body's trauma, but nothing significant. My job has always been to bring the sister who experienced the trauma inside and nurture and comfort her. There's a serious lack of trauma here, so I'm having to find new ways to keep myself busy and still feel useful. This project we are working on to be more open and fight stigma is helping a lot with that.

So that's me, pretty much in a nutshell. I'm around and always willing to say hi.  


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